Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Birthday!

This year we celebrated Eric's birthday on Thanksgiving (he's either one of those lucky or unlucky babies to share a day with the holiday every few years) just the three of us. The day was filled with all of Eric's favorite things, a morning to sleep in, time to write during the day, a football game, take out dinner, and of course plenty of time to spend with Lucy. No cake or singing but plenty of presents, which is usually the best part anyway. Lucy wished her daddy the happiest birthday ever with goos and smiles, and a good night sleep.

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Since I'm going back to work in just one short week, I've been working on Lucy and some activities that allow her to be on her own without someone holding her all the time, especially since on Tuesday and Wednesday she'll be at a sitter with a number of other kids of all ages. This includes time in the exersaucer, which she is still a little too small for, but with a certain number of blankets tucked around her in the seat works reasonably well. She's even started to reach out her hands and hit the music buttons and activate the switches!

Sunday, November 16, 2008


As many of you know, Lucy suffers from Reflux and suffer is the key word here. She is miserable so many hours of the day, but is now on Prilosec, which has been a blessing, as it has cut down on the episodes drastically. The biggest difference is that she'll sleep in her crib!! This is what we want her to act like, but unfortunately, she often needs a good spanking from Grandma. However, that doesn't always work either ... The videos are Lucy post prilosec, and pre-prilosec. She still screams and cries sometimes, but not nearly as often or for as long. Yea!!

Friday, November 14, 2008


I thought I'd start a blog to keep friends and family afar updated on our general progress and lives here. I'm sure as Lucy grows we'll have more interesting posts, as of right now she's pretty good at sleeping, eating, and crying, though she does have much better head control.

This is Lucy's three month picture - she is getting pretty big, 15 pounds here. Who knew our little skinny baby would grow into being such a round baby? All those weeks in preemie diapers with the trips to the doctor and the worry she wasn't gaining weight for nothing! Everyone tells us she looks "very healthy".