Monday, October 17, 2011

A Random Parking

 Arriving home from work by noon means I still have some time to act like a stay-at-home-mom, having lunch in the park with friends on a Tuesday afternoon.  The usual crowd here: not-so-baby-anymore Nico, friend Gabe, friend Silas and Lucy.  We all brought something to share, and Nico ate most of it.  Those guys put Lucy to shame - I'm interested to see if Jamie eats like a horse when he's big too, or if it's just a coincidence that the boys I know are all great eaters.

I love this next picture.   I think it shows how much Lucy loves her friends and the great dynamic the three (usually) have.
Everyone got in on the picnic action, even baby J.
As there is only one swing at this park, the kids had a system of rotating turns as the swinger and the pusher worked out.  It was very smooth.
 From here on are all pictures taken by the kids.  Which kid took which photo I don't know, because they were very good and careful, passing my camera around for turns.  Today's photo session was portrait.  I think I did have one picture on my camera of a pine cone but almost all the pictures were of our friends.
It was a beautiful day to be at the park.  Though it was a bit windy and chilly, we're lucky to have had another long and warm fall here in Iowa, and even luckier to count these families as our friends.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Happy Birthday Mommy (Lucy)

Not so long ago while browsing the toy section of a shopping store, Lucy spotted the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse rocket ship with spaceman Mickey.  She was thrilled, wanted it desperately, and was crushed when I wouldn't buy it for her.  This was about the same time we started talking about Mommy's birthday.  Well, wouldn't you know it, Lucy decided she would get me the rocket ship for my birthday.  And she didn't forget.

Somewhere inside my there was a little voice telling me that this was a Very Bad Idea, that it would set a terrible precedent.  But it was so stinkin cute I just couldn't help but LOVE the fact that she wanted to go out with Daddy to buy me that rocket ship for my birthday.  In the photo you can see Lucy showing off her wrist where the (you guessed it) purple watch that she also bought for me should go.
So with great fanfare I opened my gift, surprised and excited.  Lucy then told me that she was the guest and I had to share my toys.  We're already talking about what she wants to get Daddy for his birthday...