This was a while back but we went to Minneapolis for one last goodbye with Uncle Ryan and Aunt Grace. We spent one day at the Mall of America (our best pics are already on facebook) and another at the Como Zoo. It was a whirlwind of excitement for the kids.
These are the lily pads outside. I swear they are real and about three feet across. The kids wanted to jump on them like frogs.
Ryan and Grace. Hahaha! Sorry Grace, I meant Ryan and a statue of a gorilla.
The wonder.
The zoo also has an amazing indoor botanical garden. I think I have a picture of me and the kids on this fountain from a couple of years back.
Not ready for goodbye.
And the best part was we got to ride the carousel!
It was a lovely visit, bittersweet and unexpected as I didn't think we'd ever go back to their place after Ryan went to basic. I remember very clearly thinking at one point while living in Old Town that I really didn't appreciate enough that we lived about 3 minutes away from my brother, and less than 10 away from Eric's sister. I knew it was a time in my life that wouldn't last. Now I'm lamenting Ryan and Grace not being about 200 miles away. And so it goes.