31 this year, which seems awful hard to believe. And I think I look a little too happy to be quite so old ... but then, I've got a lot to smile about.

Eric and Lucy spent quite a while playing with my balloons, which have come home with us and still sit in our living room where Lucy plays with them just about every day. It's amazing what a toy like a balloon will do to keep a one-year-old busy.

Grace's birthday falls just four days after mine, so since she and Ryan have been together we've been lucky enough to share our birthdays.

Mmmmm, cake.

And I wasn't the only one who was looking forward to cake. Lucy sat like this with her hands folded on her tray for 10 minutes while we sang and cut and served cake. So patient!

Still patient, through a little teasing by Grandpa.

Still patient while Grandma cuts the cake for us.

Still patient, still waiting. This might be the longest Lucy has ever sat in one place without screaming and fighting to escape. Amazing.

Judging by the cake aftermath, I'd say it was worth the wait. Actually, Lucy ate ice cream and cake at lunch, and ice cream again at dinner. She was nuts about going to bed, didn't even show signs of being tired until about 10, when I finally put her upstairs and let her cry before sleeping. Yikes! All the excitement of a birthday plus all the sugar of the cake made it a hard evening, but well worth it to spend the time with family celebrating a couple of birthdays, especially since Ryan and Grace moving to Minnesota this week.

We finished off the festivities with a girls night on the town. It's been a while since that's happened. We danced the night away, old lady or no!
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