Ladybug girl! As we were headed to Reiman Gardens, we chose the bug costume. It was perfect, too, as one of the attractions of the day was costumed dancing bugs. The event was a lot of fun. There were the dancing bugs, trick or treat stations throughout the garden paths, crafts, a story circle, and a wildlife station with owls and hawks (very cool). We will definitely go back.
This is Lucy with Nataleah, a friend who met us for the afternoon.
And did someone say Halloween? There must have been a mix up, as Jamie thought it sounded like naptime. I love sleeping babies.
Salsa with the ladybug.
Waltz with the butterfly.
And on to our next trick or treat experience! This is the downtown toddler time, 10-2 on a Monday. How cool that even though I'm working, I still get out in time to do this? Lucy chose the pirate costume for the occasion - can you see the map in her hand? She likes a cartoon on Disney called Jake and the Neverland Pirates, and there is a song they sing called "roll up the map" so a map was an essential part of the costume. Also, check out the purple striped pirate pants. This costume was homemade, if you can't tell, and the purple fabric was the inspiration.
Lucy and Jamie the bumble bee.

This is our crowd - Jamie, Carson, Hayden, Lucy, and Jordan. The other boys you might recognize from our 4th of July parade. Three strollers meant Lucy and Carson were heading into stores alone, and coming out even before one of us parked a stroller and followed. When I finally started going in with the two of them, it was mayhem. They ran, grabbed candy, and Carson literally would shove a piece of candy into his mouth in every store. I told Ann, but I'm not sure I got the message across. This picture was taken right before Carson had a complete meltdown, sugar crash, and had to be dragged home kicking and screaming (literally). I'm always secretly glad it's not Lucy having the moment.
We also met up with Lucy's friend Stella from preschool, and her little brother Oliver who's exactly the same age as Jamie. The girls were so excited to see each other. I get a kick out of the fact that Lucy is now a woman of the world, and has a whole bunch of experiences I'm not a part of. She's growing up.
Finally, the evening (real) trick or treat in our neighborhood. This is Lucy's "my daddy is coming" face. Jamie's just trying to figure out how to bend in the middle with that costume on.
For Eric, I think it was a lesson in how many neighbors I know. There is a neighborhood play group, so I know almost everyone who has small children around out street and they were all out and about. Our fun was cut short by an emergency trip to the potty, but after our Halloween extravaganza, I think it was ok.
I'll leave you with the cutest photo of my Jamie Bee.
And on to November with the next post ....
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