Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Eric's 1st Publication!

It's a pretty incredible feat for a 2nd year doctoral student to already have an article published (sources tell me).  Without hesitation ...


You'll have to scroll down a little and be on the lookout for the Virtual Classrooms header, with the article titled "Culture Jams: Critical Media Literacy in the Digital/Multimedia Classroom" by none other than Eric York at Iowa State University.  Yea!

If you do end up actually reading the thing, don't expect to understand a bunch of it.  I've been hearing about this for over a year now and it's still hard for me to get through.  It's academic writing in a discipline I've got only secondhand knowledge about.  If you do understand it, great!  (And there will likely be a job for you teaching writing somewhere).  Also, Eric wrote all the code himself, using HTML.  Again, if I tried to explain this I would fall miserably short and demonstrate my incompetence, but it took him a looong time to learn it and get it right. 

Also, thoughts on a name change?  This is not a challenge for the faint of heart ... google Eric York.  There are two separate and mildly famous Eric Yorks out there.  One is a wildlife biologist who died of the bubonic plague in 2007.  The other is a gay porn star.  Of all the luck, right?

Eric J. York?
Eric James York?
E. J. York?


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