Saturday, November 17, 2012

Art Class

Lucy took an afternoon art class through parks and rec with her preschool teacher Miss Karla this fall.  Since I saw there were 2 spaces available, we asked if Quinn would like to come as well.  I picked her up at her daycare after lunch (and sometimes kept her to play for the afternoon) and it was a lot of fun. 

The projects the girls made were adorable and apparently Quinn is talking about being an artist when she grows up.  Lucy, not so much.  We haven't talked about career aspirations lately but she'd been talking about being a pink and purple doctor in space.

Both girls sat intently through the 50 minutes of art class - they had about 10 minutes to play in the preschool at the start of every class.  Quinn was way more excited about the free play, but Lucy's there every day and they toys aren't new.  This is the Thanksgiving decoration - a stuffed turkey with loops.  The turkey is stuffed with newspaper, though, not bread.  That was good for a giggle.
Some finished products: a primary/secondary color study and the stuffed turkey.  Quinn is a much more precise and neat artist than Lucy.  It's not quite as evident in these projects but I've got a fingerpainting picture on my phone that is hysterical.  Miss Karla said Lucy's excitement level for fingerpainting was an 11 on a scale of 1-10.  Turkey stuffing day was much less thrilling.
Though Lucy has been at Small Wonders for over a year now, I rarely get to see Miss Karla in action.  She was great - every step had a lesson.  They talked about facial structure, what a loop is, patterns in the colors of the turkey comb, body parts, what to paint and what colors things might be in real life, etc.  The kids responded to her very well and were enthusiastic about sharing what they knew.
The girls were ever so proud of themselves.
 The painting of the turkey was intense.
 And the feathering of the turkey was even more intense.  A dot is a lot when it comes to glue and making sure the perfect amount of glue is on your paper is not easy work.  There was a little scuffling over the most beautiful feathers.  As in most of her friend-related interactions, Lucy totally steamrolled.  Quinn smiled and quietly found similar feathers in the pile, no longer showing them off to Lucy.  Fool me once ...  They ended up with almost exactly the same feathers on their turkeys, as Lucy has now decided that her favorite colors are pink, purple, red, and orange, just like Quinn.
 Beautiful, happy girls after a great art class experience.  Thanks Miss Karla and thanks Quinn!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Halloween 2012

It's that time of year again :
I ask myself why, oh why did I think it was a good idea to sew costumes this year?  Sheesh, it took a lot of time.  I'm not a particularly good seamstress and this machine gets use once a year, which doesn't help.  Lucy was determined she'd be a ghost and there weren't really any ghost costumes available for little kids.  I did for a moment contemplate the possibility of taking a white sheet and draping it over Lucy with holes cut for the eyes ... but I think this ended up cuter:
Poor Jamie, everyone thought he was a girl.  A beautiful baby with long, blonde hair and a dress?  Ok, ok, he needs a haircut.

We had a whole (g)host of Halloween fun this year, Audrey's costume birthday party, 2 parties at Small Wonders, costume night at gymnastics, plus trick-or-treating downtown in the afternoon and in our neighborhood in the evening.  Whee!

At Audrey's party we got a chance to whack at the piƱata and play in some webs.  Web!
 Lucy was a one-handed batter.
We had some fun carving pumpkins at home.
Jamie was in love with the pumpkins, Lucy not so much.  We got a lot of "Eeewww!" and "Yuck!"  The video is mainly to listen to Jamie's baby talk.

Pumpkin Carving from Kristin York on Vimeo.

They came out pretty good this year.
 Lucy's face design:
 So fun watching the kids together.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Ledges

There's a glacial formation (canyon?) just a few miles west from us in Boone that I've heard about but had never visited.  Well, cross that one off the list of things to do in central Iowa!

Me and the kids went with some friends - Geoff (Eric's supervising professor), Alicia, and Quinn.  It was really unexpected geography here in the flatlands, and really nice to see all the fall leaves.  We went on an absolutely gorgeous day last weekend - almost 70 and sunny. 

 It's a state park that was created after WW2 and has some really nice structures like this stone bridge over a small stream.  A lot of the people we saw there were families with a photographer having a photo shoot.  Apparently it's a popular beautiful location, kind of like Cascade Park in Bangor.
 Jamie contemplating the jump.
 Me and Alicia, who has quickly turned into my best Iowa friend.  She's fabulous.  If you're wondering what's in my hand, it's Jamie's leash.
 To get to our hike we had to cross a bridge that was basically a stream.  There were stepping stones with about 3 inches of water to our right, and to the left a 4 foot drop to a foot-or-so deep stream. 
 Lots of climbing!  We went up, up, up for the view.  The girls loved the stairs and didn't complain once about being tired, needing to stop, etc.  I think having two of them climbing made a difference - I'm pretty sure Lucy would have wanted to be carried if it wasn't for Quinn prancing away up and down the path.
 Hello friends!
 Hello us!  Though Lucy didn't complain, Jamie did.  He was unimpressed that he had to ride in the backpack rather than walk, and spent most of his time leaning around either side for a better view.
 Hello Boone County!
 Remember when I said I was starting my hunt for a great Christmas picture early?  Yeah, this is why.
I'm looking forward to a trip back.

Thursday, October 25, 2012


A couple of weeks ago I took a personal day to go with Lucy on her school field trip to the apple orchard.  It was so fun and a way more beautiful way to spend a Wednesday than at the high school!

We started off the day with a hay ride on which we actually bumped around on hay.
 Miss Shireen and Miss Karla, the best preschool teachers ever.
 The hayride went to a gourd patch where each kid got a bag to pick 2 gourds.  We had fun picking out our favorites.  Guess what?  Jamie's picks are round like balls.
 Some Small Wonders friends l-r: Lucy, Luci Rae, Kavya, Lalo, and Bowen in front.  It looks like the kids are taking totally different pictures here.
 We got a cow milking explanation.
 And some time to try to milk the plastic cow.  It was hard!
 There were some animals to look at too.  Yes, Jamie climbed to the 3rd rung all by himself.  And was headed for the 4th when I snapped the picture and snagged him.
 The bouncy pillow!  This was a massive inflated piece of rubber that worked as a trampoline that wasn't level.  I bounced for a while with the kids and was tired at the end.  It was perfect for the major bounce that would send a kid flying 3 feet in the air (anyone else a fan of Wipeout?)
 After the preschool friends mostly went home we stayed with Karrie and co.  Bowen and Luci's favorite place was the burlap sack slide.  It was pretty steep and looked a bit terrifying from the top.  I went down with Jamie on my lap and ended up with a slide burn on both ankles because I pressed them against the sides of the slide as we went down the first big drop.
 Whee!  The drop didn't appear to phase the kids at all.
 Christmas photo?  I remember trying to get a good picture of Lucy at that age and wanted to start early on working on a great picture of the kids.  It won't be this one in the corn pool.
And a couple of short clips of our fun.  Check out the girl on the right on the bouncy pillow in pink on pink.  She shoves her friends down every time they get up.  Don't remember seeing this one while I was filming but it's pretty funny now.

Center Grove from Kristin York on Vimeo.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Spring (yes) Show

Lucy participated for the first time in a spectacular, this time for Cardinal Gymnastics.  We nixed the idea her first two years in gymnastics because she was just too little, but our gymnastics buddies talked us into it this year.  It seems like it's the fundraiser for the program as all the girls have to purchase leotards and then we paid admission.  I suppose all dance/gymnastics/etc shows are like that.  Even at school I've got extra duties to take money for tickets where last week I sat in the middle school gym and charged adults $2 apiece for the pleasure of watching their 7th graders play volleyball.

Lucy waiting to go in to the gym.  She looks so grown up to me here.
The kids got to "warm up" on the mats in the gymnasium next to CGA.  Lucy practiced somersaults and the candle.
Tumblebugs gathered to wait for their turn to perform.
I swear they practiced this dance 15 minutes a class for about 2 months before the show.  It was still a hysterical wreck.  Nobody really remembered much, but they were little enough that it was adorable.
Lucy's #1.  Yes, I wish I could claim that title but not a chance on earth. 

CGA Spring Show 2012 from Kristin York on Vimeo.

Next year (IF we do the show again) she'll be with the bigger girls (IF she stays in gymnastics) and show skills on either the beam or bars.  The transition from little to big has been a bit rough for Lucy, with a couple of class switches and a less-than-enthusiastic coach.  We'll see what the spring brings.  If she does continue and do the show you should expect to hear about it around Halloween sometime next year :)