Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Did I mention Lucy started kindergarten? Yeah, it was a while ago now.

We have a copy of Twas the Night Before Kindergarten that we read, and that she pretended to read to Jamie. By the end of the year she'll be reading it by herself.
 Lunch packed! I really enjoyed packing this first one, but as I mused in August, it has indeed gotten old. She eats a nutella sandwich every single day.
Jamie didn't want to be left out of the backpack action.
This might be my favorite picture ever.
 Lucy's classroom. It was so neat and organized at the start of the year. Her poor kindergarten teacher has 26 kids for 7 hours a day, including 2 non English-speakers, with no aide. I think this is insanity.
 The students are allowed to line up between 8:15 and 8:25 outside the building. At 8:25 the bell rings to go into school and at 8:35 the school day starts.
 And this was the temperature when I picked Lucy up on that first day. Did I mention the air conditioner was broken in her classroom? We kept getting notifications to send water bottles with the kids. 26 kids for 7 hours at over 100 degrees with no air conditioner. There's the start of a joke in here somewhere.
 But she was still this excited at the end of the day.
 And day 2 we snapped a picture of Lucy with Mrs. Lenaghan, who Lucy writes is "The Best Teecher Ever"
With well over half the year gone I say it's been a success.