Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sweet Valentine

I finally feel as though what I've been waiting for as a parent is here - the age where it's not weird any more to bring Lucy to different activities (that I secretly want to go to) and where we can do fun stuff together for holidays, etc.  I made kind of a big deal of Valentine's Day this year in the lead up, talking about Lucy being my valentine, buying ingredients to make cookies, looking at heart-shaped things, and on top of that we have Grandma who (of course) sent a package, a card, some stickers, and even some "heart-shaped clothes" for Lucy.

Lucy did some decorating with the stickers that Grandma sent, mainly on the family.  These photos are from about a week ago, and even though I told her not to put stickers on the dog, it was great because one of those hearts stayed on Shorty for almost 4 days.  Baby brother, a.k.a. Buddy, got one too.
 Daddy wanted some craft supplies so he and Lucy could make Valentine's cards together.  We sat down after a long day to do some crafting and after about 10 minutes, Lucy disappeared, leaving Eric and I to sit and make cards together.  Not exactly what he had in mind.
 We also did some heart-shaped sugar cookies, which were a big hit with the two-and-under crowd.  It was my first attempt at homemade cutout cookies, and they turned out pretty good.  I've definitely been on a from scratch baking kick in the past month or so.  Favorite part for Lucy?  The frosting, for sure.
 And as usual, I had some nude baking help.
 Finally, on Valentine's morning I was really excited to make Lucy some heart-shaped pancakes.  I guess by now that when my feelings start off with "I was really excited" that I shouldn't necessarily expect anyone else to follow through with the thrill in my plans.  I worked to get these three reasonably heart-shaped pancakes and presented them to Lucy who was wearing her "heart-shaped clothes", took pictures, talked about how she was my special valentine, the works.  Then I cut them up with butter and syrup, she had one bite, announced she was finished, and walked away.  Umm, hello?  Don't you know that this was supposed to be a special breakfast?  So I ate my pancakes and hers alone at the table.  Happy special Valentine to me. 
 Likely sensing my disappointment, Lucy kindly offered to do the morning's dishes.  I bought her a step-stool a while back and it's opened up a whole new world of possibilities, including, apparently, household chores.  (Do I sense a window washing in our future?)  It was hysterical to watch her mimic how I wash and rinse the dishes, even finishing with a vigorous wipe-down of the counter next to the sink.  Totally worth re-washing everything in that drainer to see the show.
We hope that our heart-shaped friends also enjoyed every moment!

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