Saturday, January 7, 2012


And the big day :
 Lucy unwrapped all the presents - hers, Jamie's, mine, Eric's.  There were several presents that we found unwrapped that we're not really sure who they were from.  That's enthusiasm!

Unwrapping 2011 from Kristin York on Vimeo.

It was a very musical kind of year - Lucy got a drum, guitar (or a tuh-tar as she calls it), and the kids got shaker eggs.  Jamie was supposed to get a drum too, it's the second time Amazon failed me in a row.  Fortunately, Lucy's great at sharing.  Mostly.

Jingle Bells 2011 from Kristin York on Vimeo.

A couple of the highlights of the toys were the activity walker for Jamie, which he took off with at first, and has been wholly uninterested in since Christmas day.  He's really working on walking, is beginning to stand and balance for a second, and scoots along on almost anything he can.  Except the toy that I bought for him for that express purpose.  Hmmm.

Jamie's Walker Toy 2011 from Kristin York on Vimeo.

And the bouncy horse.  Lucy wanted a pink and purple horse she could ride on for Christmas.  Since we (Santa) had already gotten the kitchen, I didn't really plan on another big gift.  Outside of those two large items, we didn't spend that much on the kids, but it seemed a little over the top to me.  I was, however, convinced.  We got a Radio Flyer version, instead of the pink-and-purple request, and I don't think she even noticed.  It's huge and sturdy and should last for years and years.  Lucy's favorite thing to do on her horse is to make us pretend we're sleeping while she rides in, brings us gifts, and rides off waving with a Ho Ho Ho! so we can wake up on Christmas morning. 

Bouncy Horse 2011 from Kristin York on Vimeo.

What a great day, right?

Oh yeah, and if you didn't see the Christmas Eve post, scroll down past the Oh Deer.  I couldn't find it after posting, but since I had uploaded the photos the same day as the deer/car pics, it placed the Christmas post under the deer post.  Eric would probably have an answer for me about why it happened or what I could do to fix it (as would my tech-support student that's always saying "Oh, señora" in class) but you can just scroll...

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