Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Jamie's 2nd Birthday

What did we get the big boy this year?  A great big helping of rotovirus, or the like.  Poor kid got sick on his birthday, so all the pics and video here are coming off some vomiting and a fever that was as high as 103 when I picked him up at the babysitter.  Still willing to smile!
 Can you see the incredibly crooked haircut?  While Lucy entertained everyone with her tale of hairy crack woe, Jamie screamed as though he was being tortured.  I sat in the chair and held him on my lap while he cried "Help me!"
 This is the cake that Jamie picked out, butter chocolate cake (yum!) with purple frosting.  Lucy was thrilled.
 And yes, poor guy, I made him make his own birthday cake.
Our little party.  We had ripped through the presents in the package Grandma and Grandpa sent while skyping before we did cake and our presents.
  Someone needs to remind me to stop attempting to decorate cakes.
 Jamie was so happy that we were all singing to him.  He must have sang at Sherry's because as soon as I took out the candles he said "Wishes!"
 Cake cutting helpers.
 I've got to teach Eric how to work the camera.  I cropped this photo down to about half the size. 
 He loved the monkey backpack!
 And you can see who was the seasoned expert at opening presents.  Jamie's helper.
Finally, us singing happy birthday, Jamie opening some presents, and the first tries on his new swing, which is not the night of Jamie's birthday that we opened presents:

Jamie's Birthday from Kristin York on Vimeo.

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